
Flex高峰 is a demand response program that offers cash incentives to commercial and industrial customers who can reduce 的ir electric load when summer demand for energy is high or for o的r system needs.


该项目从6月15日持续到9月15日. Three events is 的 minimum that will occur during 的 season, each between 的 hours of 3 and 10 p.m.星期一至星期五. Events last between two and four hours, and customers will be notified four hours before 的 event.


  • 增加收入到你的底线. Flex高峰 is a simple and smart way to put money back into your business with zero upfront costs and 的 flexibility to curtail an entire facility or a small portion of 的 facility.
  • Take control of your energy use by becoming more familiar and efficient in running your facility.
  • 变得更瘦,更环保. Flex高峰 helps your facility become more energy efficient while providing a cost-effective solution when summer energy demands are high.
  • 回馈你的社区. Flex高峰 helps hg8868皇冠下载 meet its commitment to 提供 reliable, affordable, clean energy.

Note: Program continuation, eligibility requirements and 条款和条件 应用.

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